Teens Program

Between the ages of 12 and 18 years of age, there are many changes in teens lives, both physical and emotional. This is an important time for them to weave the pattern of self-discipline and self respect both for themselves and others. The students learn how to relieve stress and good habits are formed quickly and enjoyably in a positive surrounding filled with new friendships.
At this age emphasis is put on:
• Speed
• Grace
• Strength
As the students progress into their teen classes and later on into adult classes, further education is given to:
• Self-awareness
• Healing
• Meditation
Even though the same martial art techniques are taught in the Teen classes along with Asian Culture and philosophy as in the other age groups, Teens have different requirements and this is taken into consideration in their training. At this age, more emphasis is put on speed, grace and strength while never losing sight of our main objective, to help each student be his or her best, adding direction and guidance to this important time of life.
However, at KumSung we never lose sight of the main objective…to help each student be his or her best, adding direction and guidance to this important time of life.