Specialty Programs

Realistic Self Defense

This Class teaches self-defense for the every day world which can be learned using techniques appropriate even for non Martial Artists.

Self Healing Stretching

Stretching pf the body and mind is taught along with self healing techniques. This class has been extremely popular since it’s inception. The mystical and practical are explored.

Qi Gong

Harnessing internal power is key in this class. The goal is to strengthen the body including, organs, muscle, joints and bones.

Tai Chi

Come learn this ancient art of grace, coordination and energy.


This is the art of self-defense in which you use the opponents energy against themselves. Even though it is taught during the regular classes, this special session concentrates the entire lesson on this age old martial art form.

Special Forces

This class is taught by Master KumSung . Master was head of military special forces combat training and is a doctor of oriental medicine. Also on the instructors’ list is former Navy Seal and former mayor of Dover Township, Master Paul Wnek; Police Academy Instructor of Ocean County Lt. Mitch Little; and Sgt. Ed Bennett of the Dover Township Police Force. They are all certified Black Belt Instructors and have been students of Master KumSung for over 20 years. The class deals with urban combat/self defense, car jacking, robbery, surprise assaults, abduction and realistic street defense and counter attack training.


Kung Fu